Migrations and Restructures

System Sense has assisted many clients with migrations, mergers, and restructures . Migrations can be required for several reasons, change of ownership of business, moving data from one system, or domain, to another without compromising security or losing any of the data. Domain migration happens when servers are upgraded and the data (including any authentication and authorization information) must be moved to a new system or when an website's administrator moves the data that creates a Web page from one system, or domain, to another. System Sense has successfully completed necessary tasks and performed checklists for its clients posted below.

Fosters to EDG
Cleanaway Australia to Transpacific Industries
Cleanaway UK to Veolia
Cleanaway Germany to SULO
Readymix/Cemex to Holcim Oceania
Brambles Industrial Services to BIS/KKR
Pentair to Viadux